About Motormouth

Words with bite (not just bark)

Welcome to Motormouth, you glutton for punishment.

Yes, it’s another newsletter. But before you reach for that back button (we see you), let's get one thing straight: this is not what you’re used to.

You're out there trying to make your mark. Build a brand that matters. Say something worth hearing in a world drowning in noise. You know the most successful brands are those that dare to be themselves and stand for something bigger than profit.

But let’s be honest: It’s not going great, is it? Your messaging isn’t landing. Your “authentic” voice sounds just like everyone else's. You're a champ at preaching to the converted, but reaching new audiences? Not so much. Balancing profit with purpose feels like walking a tightrope. And translating your passion into real value for people? That's the real challenge.

Sound familiar? Welcome to the club. We've got jackets. (They're ethically sourced and ironically branded, of course.)

Motormouth isn’t here to make your brand better; we’re here to make your brand matter. We're here for the ones who believe that truly successful brands dare to be themselves and put people first. The square pegs who refuse to sand down their edges to fit the round holes of brand life. The folks who know the status quo is broken—but aren’t sure how to fix it yet.

We believe words can still change the world—but only if they've got teeth. Our mission? To prove that the boldest, most authentic brands are the ones that win hearts, minds, and markets. To show that being for the people isn't just good ethics—it's good business.

Our mission (because apparently, we need one of those)

Motormouth is on a mission to:

  • Uncover the real impact of authentic brand communication in a world of corporate noise.

  • Reveal how genuine brands shape our cultural narrative (for better or worse) and drive meaningful change.

  • Challenge the industry to ditch the fakery and create marketing that’s actually matters to people.

  • Champion brands that dare to be themselves, warts and all.

  • Build a community of rebels committed to making brands truly stand for something.

  • Liberate brand writers from the shackles of corporate-speak and cookie-cutter messaging.

  • Fuel fearless creativity that doesn’t just sell but makes people feel something.

  • Make branding matter again—because when brands are real, they change the world.

What you’ll get

Every Friday, we’ll land in your inbox like a party crasher you didn’t invite but secretly wanted. Expect:

  • Identity deep-dives: What makes a brand authentically itself (and not just another clone)?

  • Story dissections: How do real brand narratives change hearts, minds, and behaviour?

  • Strategy reality checks: Can being genuinely “for the people” actually drive business results?

  • Culture probes: How do authentic brands both shape and reflect society?

  • Impact spotlights: When should brands take a stand, and how can they do it without being fake?

  • Actionable truth bombs: At least one tactic in every issue to make your brand more genuine and impactful.

No fluff. No jargon. No corporate kumbaya. Just raw, unfiltered insights to help your brand find its true voice and actually matter.

Who we’re for

Motormouth is crafted for:

  • Writers and content creators who'd rather gouge their eyes out than write another piece of soulless corporate drivel.

  • Designers and art directors tired of slapping lipstick on verbal pigs. You know great design deserves equally powerful copy, and you're ready to fight for it.

  • Marketers and brand builders who've had it up to here with best practices that produce mediocre results. You're after brands that people give a damn about, not just tolerate.

  • Founders and entrepreneurs who refuse to let their vision be watered down into another forgettable startup cliché.

  • Anyone who's ever bit their tongue in a branding meeting to avoid screaming. You're done with safe, sanitized, and soulless. You're ready for honest, messy, and memorable.

Who’s to blame for this?

Motormouth is the twisted brainchild of Kieran Tie, a brand strategist and writer with a pathological aversion to boring writing and a concerning caffeine habit. After years of watching great ideas die on the altar of "best practices," he decided enough was enough. It was either this or arson, and newsletters are more tax-deductible.

But this ain’t a one-man pity party. Motormouth is fueled by a growing community of writers, strategists, and creative troublemakers who still believe that words still matter, even if everyone else is busy pretending otherwise.

We’re proudly independent, supported by our equally jaded sister studio, Lede & Kicker, and a few sponsors brave (or foolish) enough to throw their lot in with us. (If that’s you, let’s have a word. We promise to use our inside voices. Most of the time.)

Join the revolution

If you're itching to break some rules, find your true voice, build a brand that people actually give a damn about, and be part of a movement that's redefining brand writing (or at least complaining about it eloquently), then congratulations. You're in the right place.

Welcome to Motormouth. Let's make some noise.

Got a story burning a hole in your brain? A brand voice the world needs to read? A rule you’re dying to smash? We want to hear it. Check out our pitch guidelines, and don’t hold back—Motormouth is no place for the timid. Or people who think "synergy" is still a cool word.